Testing Your Android Development: What You Need to Know

Android app development is not easy. It involves a lot of different steps, and many Android developers don’t even know where to start. There are no shortcuts in the world of Android app development. However, one of the most important steps is to set up a solid testing process for your applications. This blog post will discuss how to test your Android Development through various concepts and tools you can use.

Why Do You Need To Test Your Android App?

In Android app development, the testing process is vital to ensure a quality product. With bug-free coding and an exhaustive list of tests in place, you can be confident that your application will work for any user who installs it from Google Play or another marketplace. There are many reasons why you need to test your Android apps, but the top two include:

  • There’s Always Room For Improvement: No matter how much time has been spent designing or developing an app (or even perfecting one), the chances are high that new features could still be added and old ones improved with a little more iteration before release.
  • Bugs Happen: As we all know, no program code works perfectly when it hits production out of the gate – bugs happen!

How To Test Your Android Application

The testing of your application isn’t something you do once you’ve finished your product. Instead, it’s a continuous process that should happen throughout the app-building process.

1. Create Your Branching System

Before you even begin to develop the application’s functionality or modify an existing application, you’ll need to understand what is required for the job and ask questions if something is unclear. Monitor the current code to see how it performs on the user level and during server transactions.

This is also where you’ll want to think about what might go wrong: What are some of the potential bugs that this app will need? How can they be addressed? What does its interface look like, how will it function, and how much data will it generate in order for things to work correctly? You should know all these answers before coding begins.

Asking questions during development could save time on correcting mistakes later down the line – or worse yet, launching an application with known issues!

2. Create Your Branching System

Once we’ve determined what and how to implement it, we’ll need to define the branching strategy we will follow. For most developments, simply making a feature branch is sufficient. But in some cases, it is better to follow a more complex strategy. For example, if you’ve found improvements that need to be made, you’ll need to make a branch not related to the feature, implement your improvements and open a pull request. By creating the right-branching system, you’ll get:

  • Smaller Pull Requests
  • Faster Turn-around Time On Improvements
  • Multiple Developments Can Benefit From Improvements
  • The Integration of the Enhancements Are Not Blocked

3. Implementing Your Code

It’s finally time to implement your new code. Remember to keep basic coding principles in mind and create the feature as the user would expect it to function.

The user experience is just as important as the performance and processes of the application. Relying on tools such as network proxies or app output logs can ensure you’re not running into issues during this implementation process.

When it’s time to commit the progress that is being made, we must always keep in mind that the commits must follow a concrete format whenever possible, a descriptive message, and a reference to the ticket you are working on.

4. Manual Testing Of the Application

Testing the implemented code is one of the most essential steps of the process. However, it’s the step that receives the least attention. Instead of focusing on closing the most tickets, you instead should turn your efforts to implementing full and shining functionality for users. Testing will take 1 to 2 hours for typical features, or 1-2 days for larger or complex features.

Testing Your Android Development

One of the most critical parts of building or fixing a mobile application is to test it before releasing it. Testing can help you identify bugs and make sure your app runs as smoothly as possible on all devices. When developing an Android app, be sure to take the time to fix functionality while still testing so that when launched, it will not only have an excellent user interface but will also run well for everyone who downloads it!

Creating a solid workflow and habits is one of the main steps to progress in your career as a developer. Happy coding!